WHO WE ARE. We are experts in beautifully crafted, created just for- you celebrations. We offer planning and design services. We believe in quality over quantity. We believe mastering logistics while balancing design in layers and layers of detail make us great planners and producers. We believe in leading with confidence, grace and style.
WHAT WE DO. We create forever memorable events. We believe in strict organization leaving no room for stress during planning and especially come event day. We build relationships with our clients that can only be created with time, attention and care. We retain repeat business; from wedding to baby shower to corporate holiday party. Time and time again.
WHEN WE BEGIN. At all stages of the event planning process. Often at the very beginning when searching for the perfect venue or date.
WHERE WE WORK. Based in St. Louis, MO at our event venue Lavender Hill Meetings & Events. We travel within the Midwest and beyond.